Tuesday, November 20, 2007


philistine youth said...


philistine youth said...

That is a strange looking picture. I guess, might seem weird, but I relate much better to the previous posts. I go from somewhat abstracted but intrigued to "whoa,..boat"

kara said...


tiger lily said...

I love how even though it's supposed to be dark, the sky around the ship is so light. Even with the light, there's still a dark tone to it. It's hard to describe, but there are no words that can accurately convey the meaning of color. If there are, I haven't found them.

skipper;-) said...

i think u like this captain j cuz the boat looks like it's surrounded by a halo. ;-)
you kno those halos that are around Mary and Jesus in those really old paintings? thats the kind of halo im thinking it looks like. ha
this is definitely a sweet picture!!!!!