Monday, November 19, 2007

Cognize This!


Of what use is the age of information
you just get jaded?

Whatchoo gonna do 'cept go down the

Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole?


(Sound cymbals now in raucous manner!)

(A little guitar, some strings . . . brass, too!)


philistine youth said...

lobotomize myself

philistine youth said...

better. I'm going to talk to somebody about why: that question we never seem to get to.

I am going to have a stare down with agony.
and break, but right now I'd rather that than feel nothing. I'll ask momma lily what it means, I'll ask the warriors.

kara said...

it seems the age of information is leaving us less and less informed. hmm...

Anonymous said...

Sound cymbals now in raucous manner!


tiger lily said...

I think that all this information presents one idea: Nothing good comes out of war!

dpm5894 said...
