Monday, November 19, 2007

A Not So Pretty Sailboat Picture

The Slave Ship - J. M. W. Turner



philistine youth said...

lily says:
The colors are beautiful, despite the content of the picture. I love how this can be so beautiful and at the time it was shocking. It was shocking because it painted the truth, more or less about the slave trade and how we could devalue someone just because they look different.

ren ren says:
there is more to humanity than defining values. We look to color to convey feelings we are incapable of showing in our actions. We allow contrasting colors to run together, as a more beautiful image, we allow there to be so much differentiation and individual value conveyed, but we cannot allow this in real life, no, we must oppress one another until the world is but a dull grey.

Like the picasso, there is beauty here if only in our failure.

philistine youth said...

it almost looks like a portrait.
I see a person. probably coincidence, but I see something there