Saturday, November 3, 2007

Rabbit Hole

Rabbit Holes, which may appear anywhere, which also may be invisible, are links to articles and websites . . .

that may be . . .

perhaps . . .

possibly . . .

too deep, too controversial, too scary, too extreme . . .

to be suitable for young people (or even adult people, whatever that means) . . .

who . . .

wish to maintain a certain innocence.

Going to them is strictly voluntary. VOLUNTARY.

You may be certain that these links are always political, which is to say, that they have to do with arrangements of power. Which is to say, relationships between those who give orders (through various means and in various contexts) and those who are required to obey orders.

These sites discuss issues in a way you won't find in the mainstream media.

Rabbit Hole


philistine youth said...
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JCF said...
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JCF said...

. . . seeing.

It is not for me . . . I have no desire to change minds . . . only to aid in seeing.

To change one's mind is an individual act . . . an act of courage.

The journey begins by knowing how conditioned are our minds, and thus our seeing.

There is a brilliant line in the movie, Sixth Sense. It goes, "You see only what you want to see."

So it is.

philistine youth said...

hence "concession" by providing these things which alone we might not be inclined to find.

you are breaking a popular pattern by allowing materials that do not support the status quo.

I agree with you in this. and it is as it should be still, up to the individual what they take from it, or choose not to see.

you have sustained your non-indoctrinating, but have provided what, so far as I have been reading, is very important for my peers, and everyone else to know exists.


kara said...

I found the term "Rabbit Hole" to be extremely amusing...just a random thought.

kara said...

andddddd another note:

"It is about survival . . . individually, collectively, and, yes, as a species."

Read Jurassic Park? Some very thought-provoking material in it that would link to what you said there, Captain.

The truth hurts. If someone wants to be close-minded and not hear it, they have every right to do that. But some of your students want to know what the hell is controlling their futures...Some of your students want to know what the hell they're up against (please excuse my language).

So, needless to say, I will be clicking on every single one of those Rabbit Holes.

philistine youth said...

So, needless to say, I will be clicking on every single one of those Rabbit Holes.

You don't know how happy that makes me.

baked potatoe said...

I just have a quick question that doesn't pertane to anything but I've been wondering for a while... why are they called rabbit hole?

baked potatoe said...

You havn't updated this page in a while are there no more scary extream thinks that you have found?